Monday, 31 December 2012

Ultimate Windows 8 starter guide: Must-know tips, apps and utilities

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12.31.2012  View in a Browser

Ultimate Windows 8 starter guide: Must-know tips, apps and utilities

12.26.2012 3:30 AM

The gift-giving season has reached a head, and there's a strong possibility that you now find yourself with a new Windows 8 tablet, laptop or hybrid. Does the new OS confuse you? Allow us to assist.

10 third-party alternatives for 'missing' Windows 8 apps

12.27.2012 3:00 AM

The Windows Store is maturing with time, but it's still missing scads of must-have apps, like Facebook and Google Maps. Fortunately, these third-party alternatives can help ease the pain.


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Windows 8's uptake falls behind Vista's pace

12.27.2012 9:15 AM

With just a week left in the month, Windows 8's usage uptake has slipped behind Vista's at the same point in its release, according to data from Net Applications.

Microsoft app store closes to minors in South Korea

12.26.2012 10:25 AM

Microsoft has locked minors out of its mobile app store in South Korea since last month.

Five reasons 2012 was a great year for Linux

12.27.2012 8:30 AM

Numerous market factors have allowed the free and open source operating system to make great strides.

2012's most innovative tech gear

12.27.2012 8:27 AM

Innovative gear in 2012 pushed the envelope, even if gadgets weren't a huge consumer hits.

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