Saturday 27 October 2012

Cubieboard is like a Raspberry Pi on Steroids

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10.27.2012  View in a Browser

Cubieboard is like a Raspberry Pi on Steroids

10.26.2012 10:05 AM

Like the Raspberry Pi mini PC, but want something with a little more power? Cubieboard is a serious computer on a stick with a 1GHz ARM processor that can run Android, Ubuntu, or Linux.

DARPA's Pet-Proto can jump, climb, dodge obstacles; can't lord over humans yet

10.25.2012 10:34 AM

Think you can outclimb a robot to safety? Think again. The Pet-Proto is pretty agile, and he's just the first of many to come. But you don't have to worry about a robot apocalypse...yet.


Robots learn 'Gangnam Style,' are too busy dancing to take over the world

10.22.2012 3:02 PM

It looks like robots just want to have fun. CHARLI-2 the robot is apparently as much of a Gangnam Style-fanboy as the next K-Pop lover.

Intel strives toward tiny chips to run wearable computers

10.22.2012 3:05 PM

An Intel evangelist predicts that wearable computers may be two to five years away.

Intel readies for programmable smart cars

10.23.2012 10:32 AM

Intel hopes to play a major role in the new age, creating energy efficient and small multi-core chips that can make cars increasingly smart

Move over, Roomba: Hom-Bot Square vac-bot sees in the dark and clears corners

10.23.2012 3:34 PM

This wireless vacuum cleaner comes armed with a variety of sensors and cameras to cruise your home for dirt.

35 terabytes is a lot of space for a mixtape (and other things we didnt cover)

10.23.2012 5:30 PM

Lytro cameras can do 3D parallax, NASA simulates a universe, and other things we didnt cover.

DIY demon is this year's best costume (and other things we didn't cover)

10.26.2012 6:18 PM

Halloween is fast approaching, and unlike normal people, for us GeekTechers it doesn't merely mean pumpkins, candy, and costumes; it means gadgetized pumpkins, candy, and costumes! If you're not yet ready for Halloween, check out this Halloween-themed edition of GeekBytes for all the cool creepy (yes, gadgetized creepy!) things we didn't cover.

Wear your own DIY Metroid helmet this Halloween

10.24.2012 11:31 AM

Who needs provocative attire when you can look like an ever-green (or red, as the case may be) video game character? Be original and wear this DIY Metroid helmet to your next Halloween party.

Chalkboard t-shirt is chalk full of awesome, another excuse to use bad puns in headlines

10.24.2012 1:58 PM

Draw great doodles wherever you are, thanks to the power of chalkboard paint on clothing.

Google wants to map the Grand Canyon (and other things we didnt cover)

10.24.2012 5:51 PM

Your mid-week instalment of GeekBytes is here. Today we look at how your brainwaves can predict videogame skill.

The periodic table of tech

10.26.2012 3:00 AM

All of your tech gear starts with science. Check out this list to see which elements contribute to popular products.

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