Thursday, 27 December 2012

Daily Digest Coolest Gadgets for 12/26/2012

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Dec 26, 2012 08:31 am | Edwin

Toshiba Ultrabook gets Harman Kardon speakers

What's in a name, really? For some of us, a name would convey the sense of quality, especially so when that particular name has been a trusted one for a long, long time. I guess this is why branding is extremely important, and here we are with two well known companies synergizing to deliver the best (in their opinion, anyways, we just report it) to consumers. I am referring to Harman Kardon speakers that deliver exceptional audio as well as muscular bass to the Toshiba Widescreen Ultrabook, starting with Satellite U845W model in tow.

Basically, if you are in the market for a Windows 8 powered workhorse multimedia laptop that delivers exceptional sound, your ears will definitely tingle (if it works as claimed) as it tunes in to the remarkably thin Toshiba Satellite U845W Ultrabook which is said to pack far more bite than what it looks like at first glance. Sporting a couple of Harman Kardon speakers alongside Odyssey3 drivers, the Satellite U845W is said to offer crisp, robust sound with authoritative bass which is louder compared to other comparably sized laptop or notebook that is in the market at the moment.

Sachin Lawande, executive vice president of HARMAN and co-president of HARMAN Lifestyle and Infotainment, said, "This is the first Ultrabook that doesn't require the user to attach external speakers to enjoy a movie, MP3 or streaming audio. The Harman Kardon speakers were custom-designed for the Satellite Ultrabook to get the most out of digital music files. The Satellite Ultrabook was built for beautiful sound."

The Satellite U845W is not the only one from Toshiba to include Harman Kardon speakers, but it will mark a new era, being the first of nine models to do so. It would be interesting to see how the market reacts to such a model (and other models in the pipeline), and whether audio quality is that big of a deal breaker for many. Expect to pick up the Toshiba Satellite U845W with Harman Kardon sound from $929.99 upwards, depending on the configuration you selected.
[ Toshiba Ultrabook gets Harman Kardon speakers copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

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Dec 26, 2012 07:52 am | Edwin

I-MEGO announces ZTONE in-ear earphones

Wearing a pair of earphones or headphones might be something that many of us take for granted each day, and I am quite sure that you have a brand that you would swear upon, and even put your life on the line to testify to its effectiveness in pumping your favorite tracks to your brain, be it to keep you in "the zone" when you exercise, or simply to help tide you through a difficult moment in your life. Well, if you are not too particular about the kind of earphones you should own, then perhaps we might be able to interest you in the ZTONE in-ear earphones from I-MEGO?

The ZTONE in-ear earphones will rely on a patent-pending design that is meant to deliver a professional monitor-like fit, and it will come with custom-molded ear gels which will adjust to an individual's unique ear cavity so that it can deliver an exceptionally secure, comfortable fit. I suppose this would work well across listeners of all ages, and you can choose from a quartet of different sized gels in order to figure out the perfect match so as to fill the ear and lock in your tunes. You could say that the ZTONE in-ear earphones has been specially created for the hardcore music fan, professional and amateur DJs, and audiophiles, harmonizing easily with just about any music or style.

Pronounced as "stone," the ZTONE in-ear earphones is also clearly built for superior clarity and bass with a pair of 10mm speaker drivers, 20-20,000 Hz frequency, 16 ohms impedance, and 105 ± 5dB. The use of braided cables made from genuine silver to deliver impeccable audio to the studio-tuned monitors also work great in tangle prevention, and with additional silicone fittings, stereo and airplane adapters, and a durable metal carrying case, it makes for a compelling purchase.

You will be able to check out the ZTONE in-ear earphones at CES that is happening in just a fortnight's time, and it has also picked up the gong as a 2013 CES Innovations Honoree. At $99.99 a pop, this does seem to shape up to be a pretty decent purchase, even as a present for yourself to start the new year on a right note.

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[ I-MEGO announces ZTONE in-ear earphones copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

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Dec 26, 2012 04:30 am | Edwin

Star Wars Death Star Planetarium

I know that when it comes to the world of science fiction, things work differently where the laws of physics are concerned. Still, something as large as the Death Star in the Star Wars trilogy (the original one before Jar Jar Binks was introduced to the dismay of the universe) would not have passed the safety design school and laws of today, considering how one could leave a crucial weakness of the structure exposed to the flight path of a photon torpedo, let alone the version after that allowing enough leeway for a starfighter to fly through to its core and detonating it. Well, we are not talking about engineering structures today, but rather, would want to give you an opportunity to learn more about space thanks to the £24.99 Star Wars Death Star Planetarium.

With the Star Wars Death Star Planetarium, you will be able to turn a darkened room into a Star Wars galaxy, where this 2-in-1 tabletop Death Star will open up to reveal a planetary projector which lights up and displays either the Star Wars galaxy with planet names should you want your imagination to run wild, or to have it project Earth’s night sky. Switching between the two is a cinch, while the included cover ensures that your room returns to normal as it fits over the top of the planetarium. The Star Wars Death Star Planetarium is not powered by a core reactor, but rather, just a trio of AA batteries are required, and it will not have the destructive power to obliterate planets, so fret not. I wonder if the erased Kamino system is displayed or not…

[ Star Wars Death Star Planetarium copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

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Dec 26, 2012 04:00 am | Edwin

The Medication Safe

It goes without saying that any responsible adult would want to do his or her part to ensure that all medication is kept safe and away, out of reach of little children who are far more intelligent and inquisitive than you give them credit for. Of course, keeping your medication with the rest of your valuables in a safe does not make that much sense, but how about a safe which was purposely built to fulfill such a destiny? This is where the $79.95 Medication Safe comes in handy, where it is small enough to fit into a standard issue medicine cabinet, while ensuring that the rest of your prescription will remain safe and sound.

The Medication Safe comes with an interior that measures 113″ cu., where it can hold up to seven 4″-tall bottles within a steel-fortified ABS/nylon composite case. The safe itself comes with recessed, concealed hinges and a couple of 1/2″-diameter locking steel door bolts so that no unauthorized access will occur. It will open only using biometric security – nah, I am kidding, the Medication Safe opens only with the included key, and since it is less than 4″ deep, it bodes well for unobtrusive storage within a medicine cabinet, drawer, or on a nightstand. Each purchase comes with pre-drilled holes, while the included hardware is sufficient for one to mount the safe to a wall, shelf, or countertop.

[ The Medication Safe copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

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