Hey Bharath,
Just a quick email to say thank you ...
Because every time you purchase our guitar courses it not
only allows us to keep doing what we do best (teaching guitar),
Just a quick email to say thank you ...
Because every time you purchase our guitar courses it not
only allows us to keep doing what we do best (teaching guitar),
but it also allows us to help others in need.
Recently a river in India has dried up, which means there's no
more energy to power their offices.
Their offices are what help support orphan children, house
their sewing projects, help educate children and much more.
Elmore Music has helped out by purchasing a stack of solar
panels to be installed on their roof.
Here's a photo of what's happening right now as we speak ...
Recently a river in India has dried up, which means there's no
more energy to power their offices.
Their offices are what help support orphan children, house
their sewing projects, help educate children and much more.
Elmore Music has helped out by purchasing a stack of solar
panels to be installed on their roof.
Here's a photo of what's happening right now as we speak ...
This is exciting stuff because without your help we can't make
any of this happen.
So thank you once again for buying our guitar courses and we
look forward to serving you better in the near future.
The Elmore Organisation
P.O. Box 8366
Brisbane, Queensland
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